Hyde Heath Village Shop now stocks locally produced fresh sausages, bacon and burgers from Hazeldene Rare Breeds Farm! Perfect for a sunny afternoon barbecuing with refreshing Beechdean ice cream to finish off with!
From 2nd April the shop will open half an hour later, now opening at 8am on a Saturday! Make sure you make the most of an extra half hour in bed before coming to get your morning newspaper, fresh bread and bacon for breakfast!
Not only does the annual village fete contain the dog show, various stalls and games, and the fly past of the Spitfire Hurricane and Lancaster at 2.50pm (weather permitting) but this year there is also a Silent Aution! There are 19 lots which can be bid on either online or via forms in the village shop but get in quickly and don't miss out!! Online link to bid: http://www.hydeheath.com/Silent%20Auction%202016.html Picture from 2010 Hyde Heath Fete